How It All StartedDuring a month-long stay at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, young Byron, just 6 years old at the time, was not only receiving treatment for an unexpected illness, he was receiving something else entirely: The inspiration to help kids like him learn and have fun through their hospital stay—and beyond.
NBC Chicago 2016
Learning is FunOur mission is to introduce fun and creative products that give children a chance to learn something new and explore their passions. Channeling Byron's fun and creative spirit and ideas in everything we do, we are able to carry out our mission every day.
Our First GameContinent Race™ features the national flags of countries throughout the world. For 2+ players, ages 7 and up. The first player to collect the required number of country cards from each continent wins the game! Supporting materials such as Maps, Mystery Continent cards, Antarctica wild cards with special privileges, and an option to do a one-on-one challenge between 2 players add to the excitement. A portion of Continent Race™ profits benefit select children’s charities.
NBC Chicago 2018
Byron’s dream came to life in December 2018. With the help of a Kickstarter campaign, we sent Continent Race to 130 children’s hospitals nationwide. NBC Chicago covered the story.
A portion of Byron’s Games profits benefit select children’s charities.